Wednesday, 29 January 2020

New Year...New Start

It's been a while since I wrote in here, but this time I am determined to keep up with the blog. I am designating today a good day to start again.

As it is winter here in Michigan there isn't too much going on in the garden. The days are short and the birds have only a short period each day to feed. They are all tucked up again by the time mid-afternoon draws in. Everything is cloudy and grey - there is a layer of ice in the garden from the storm last week.

A quartet of crows have been visiting the garden. They like the peanuts I put out for the blue jays.

There is also a hawk that seems to circle around. The blue jays usually squawk out a warning before it catches anything, but once in a while it gets lucky. Husband says last week (while I was away) it caught one of the sparrows. Once in a while the hawks come close enough to capture a photo of.

It was quite windy this day and the feathers were blowing in the wind. There was a few snowflakes floating around. The hawk watched quite carefully and patiently for a little while before flying off in hopes of finding easier prey.

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